Early Intervention

Non-invasive assessment, diagnosis and treatment

At Cranial Therapy we take an all-inclusive approach to treating your child. Thankfully, torticollis, plagiocephaly, and related conditions are very treatable conditions, and do not always require the most rigorous form of treatment.


The first step you can take to help your child is to facilitate early diagnosis and assessment. It’s important to recognize your child’s condition and take positive action in a timely fashion. This is crucial to enable the effective treatment of both torticollis and cranial deformities. While a pediatrician’s visual assessment can be a good starting point, a conclusive diagnosis can only be achieved with a professional scan of your baby’s head. As in many conditions, treating torticollis, plagiocephaly, and related conditions as early on as possible increases the effectiveness of treatment and can reduce the duration of treatment time.

ConditionRecommended Intervention
TorticollisPhysical therapy - treatment from birth
Plagiocephaly/cranial deformities - MildScan/Monitor from birth
Plagiocephaly/cranial deformities- Mild-to-moderatePhysical therapy - treatment from birth
Plagiocephaly/cranial deformities- Moderate-to-severeHelmet therapy - treatment from 4 months

If you think that your child may require treatment, please contact us