😬 Torticollis 🤨 Plagiocephaly 😟 Craniosynostosis, & 😲 Orthotist What do these strange words mean? And why is your poor innocent baby being called by these names? It’s so scary when a baby that is born perfectly normal begins…
😬 Torticollis 🤨 Plagiocephaly 😟 Craniosynostosis, & 😲 Orthotist What do these strange words mean? And why is your poor innocent baby being called by these names? It’s so scary when a baby that is born perfectly normal begins…
Cranial helmet therapy is not new and has been around long enough that it is known to be a safe non-invasive treatment for flat head syndrome also known as plagiocephaly. Optimum treatment should begin as early as possible, usually at…
As a local orthotist, I try to always remember that although I may be excited about fitting patients with orthoses, my patients may not be looking forward to using an orthotic device. I try to be empathetic to this and…
I have read and heard interviews online with mothers of helmet babies, however, until now I have not had the privilege to speak to someone, I know well whose baby wears a cranial helmet. When my sister told me that…